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190 Exmouth House 3-11 Pine Street
London EC1R 0JH
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 0203 371 6360

Basic Info

Founded in: 2013


Awards: 41

Creative Work: 94

Founded in: 2013


Awards: 41

Creative Work: 94

Lucky Generals

190 Exmouth House 3-11 Pine Street
London EC1R 0JH
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 0203 371 6360

Taylors of Harrogate makes a big song and dance about how its family values make better coffee in master brand launch from Lucky Generals

Taylors of Harrogate has been a family-run coffee business for more than 100 years, and if you work for them, you are part of that family: from the lorry drivers to the expert tasters; from the farmers to the vivacious moustachioed man who just can’t help singing about how important family is to making great coffee.

To demonstrate how Taylors' family values deliver a higher quality product, Lucky Generals has created a master brand platform called “It takes a big family to make great coffee”. Because when it's family, it matters more. And that’s worth a big song and dance.

The launch execution from the brand platform is a big, bombastic musical set piece that, with its tongue firmly in its cheek, celebrates the fun, inclusive and joyous nature of the Taylors family and demonstrates in a catchy toe-tapping way how everyone works together to ensure customers get a better cup of coffee.

As the moustachioed man pops out of a cupboard, the ad's protagonist, David, who was just trying to make a coffee in his kitchen, asks with the resignation of a man who already knows the answer: “You’re not going to do a big musical number, are you?” He is, yes. The pair then go on a musically uplifting journey through the coffee factory,  before heading off around the world on a goose while David is treated to a musical rendition of the difference it makes when your coffee is created with family care and attention.

The ad ends with the whole cast, David included, singing “Taylors coffee tastes so great, because we’re one big fam-er-leeeeeeeeeeee” before he ends up standing back in his kitchen alone, looking a little shocked.

The launch film and supporting static assets will air in cinemas on the 6th of October, with TV and VOD launching on the 9th.

Jack Scott-Paul, Brand Manager at Taylors of Harrogate, said: “As a family-owned business, we make everyone at Taylors feel like part of that family, which spans from people in the factory to growers around the world, because we understand that when they feel like a valued member of a family, everyone goes the extra mile to make the best possible coffee. Certainly sounds like something worth singing about to me.

George Allen, Senior Creative at Lucky Generals, said: “I'd assume you'd be surprised to discover that I’m wearing a jumper your grandma lovingly knitted for me. Well, she hasn’t. And if she had, I doubt she would have taken the time to do a two-tone herringbone stitch like she does for your jumpers - most likely she would have churned out some very pedestrian needlework. I don’t hold it against her, because we all put more effort into things when it's family. But at Taylors, the concept of family spills far beyond the narrow confines of ‘blood relations’, and that’s why Taylors coffee tastes so great, because everyone feels like part of the family. And if that’s not cause for a good old singalong, I don’t know what is”.