Contact Information

Electric Theatre Collective 1st Floor 13-14 Margaret Street
London W1W 8RN
United Kingdom
Phone: 0207 636 5317

Basic Info

Founded in: 2012

Awards: 150

Creative Work: 250

Founded in: 2012

Awards: 150

Creative Work: 250

Electric Theatre Collective

Electric Theatre Collective 1st Floor 13-14 Margaret Street
London W1W 8RN
United Kingdom
Phone: 0207 636 5317

About Electric Theatre Collective

A visual effects business with a difference, Electric Theatre is an exciting young company with a passion for new ideas, creativity and, above all, people.

Since setting up shop here in Soho, London, at the start of 2012, we've taken the world of advertising and film by storm, establishing Electric Theatre as a bright shining light in the post production stratosphere.

We hit the ground running, producing quality work from the outset and winning a reputation for innovation and visionary style as well as a whole lot of friends. Now we're here to stay.

And though we might now be expanding - quite literally having knocked through the walls at Electric Theatre Towers to get some extra elbow room for our Flame operators (not just for those awkward shots on the pool table!) - we haven't forgotten our roots.

A collective in every sense, Electric Theatre is founded on people, both inside and outside our office walls, giving us the friendly intimacy of a small company with the big creative muscle of an industry giant. Everyone we work with is brought into the fold to bring a new dimension to our vision, from the most senior operator down to our small dog Dot!

Our new Colour department and animation team have added the final strings to our figurative post production bow, meaning we can now quite literally (well not literally, still figuratively speaking) aim for the sky...and shoot it in the face! 


Philosophy & Competitive Advantages
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Network Description
The company is perhaps independent. If not, it can be edited here Edit

Our Work

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