Contact Information

41, rue Greneta
Paris France 75002
Phone: 01 53 00 10 00


Julien Dorso

Julien Dorso

DGA Marketing et Développement - Partner Marque

Phone: +33 (0)1 53 00 10 00

Basic Info

Core Competencies: Corporate Communication, Design

Founded in: 2012

Employees: 100

Awards: 166

Creative Work: 145

Clients: 29

Core Competencies: Corporate Communication, Design

Founded in: 2012

Employees: 100

Awards: 166

Creative Work: 145

Clients: 29


41, rue Greneta
Paris France 75002
Phone: 01 53 00 10 00
Julien Dorso

Julien Dorso

DGA Marketing et Développement - Partner Marque

Phone: +33 (0)1 53 00 10 00

BABEL Team Members

Laurent HABIB

Laurent HABIB

Coprésident - Fondateur

Phone: 01 53 00 10 00

Joined Havas 22 years ago, Laurent Habib was CEO of the agency that advises EDF, Areva or La Poste since September 2006 and general manager of the Havas group in France since 2009. He started his career at RSCG Public in 1998. He sets up his own agency, Babel (2012) At 49, Laurent Habib is a figure of institutional communication in France, advising many bosses. He teaches communication strategies at Paris-I University and Sciences Po Paris. He is also president of the Observatory of the Intangibles. He published in January at PUF The Force of the immaterial. In addition he's the president of AACC, the agency's association- communication consultant.

Juliette MUTEL

Juliette MUTEL


Laurent  Nuyen

Laurent Nuyen

Directeur de la création

Matthieu Angevin

Matthieu Angevin

DGA Innovation et Relation Client / Directeur du pôle BRANDS

Emmanuelle Charpentier

Emmanuelle Charpentier

Directrice du pôle CONTENTS

Jeanne Delbard

Jeanne Delbard

Codirectrice du pôle CITIZENS

Capucine Mistral

Capucine Mistral

Codirectrice du pôle CITIZENS

Barbara Leguet

Barbara Leguet

Directrice du pôle PEOPLE

Jean-Laurent Py

Jean-Laurent Py

Directeur de création

Montreal, Paris, London and now Paris again. Have a look at my Behance to know everything about me. Well. A lot.

Christian De Bergh

Christian De Bergh

Directeur du Design

Phone: 01 46 97 50 97

Stéphane Le Flohic

Stéphane Le Flohic

Directeur du Digital et de l'Expérience Client

Julien Dorso

New Business

Julien Dorso

DGA Marketing et Développement - Partner Marque

Phone: +33 (0)1 53 00 10 00

Agathe de Cordoue

Agathe de Cordoue

DGA Performance et Talent Management - Directrice de la Factory